Making Time

Making Time
Image by Tu-2

Woke up before the light, then when things turned, the sky was clear. The temperature is 51 degrees fahrenheit. Today is Friday.

An interesting fact of living with "time" as our guide is that we allow ourselves in this state to be disrupted at least twice a year when the clock is pushed forward or backward for an hour. That's happening this weekend: clocks will change en masse. The ability to act like Hawai'i or Arizona, by not going through this change is not yet acceptable in this state. For now, we live with this little manipulation and carry on. At least in this turn, we will get extra light at the end of a day's cycle and this is something that many people love - the long, luxurious summer night. Whether we spring ahead or fall back (as we will do again later in the year), making time for living in today's world will continue to be a challenge. There is much more concentration on stopping time, not making time in today's world.

It's fascinating to see how people react to the fact of time passing.

There are so many of us who cannot seem to get over how quickly the year is moving through the calendar. For many, it is hard to believe that the end of the first quarter of 2024 is around the corner. The shifts keep happening in a myriad of ways and the unfolding of events keep coming.

The resistance to the fact of constantly changing conditions reveals much about who we are and how we see our lives. Some are seeking to conclude huge projects that will take several years to see to completion, if there is a point of completion to be had. Others are taking things in the short term, making moves that will see results in a week, or maybe a month or two. Then, there are those who resist time and the constant effort is to "re-set" to an earlier condition - at least externally with all manner of changes, from cosmetic, to surgical procedures to dress.

The best is to just accept the shared delusion about time (delusion = reality by agreement).

We worry about not having enough time as adults. As kids we were favored with a perspective that allowed spaciousness - when it seemed a day was so very long and the summers were endless. In that part of living, we also experienced the ability to imagine all kinds of possibilities - we had so much time to unleash the imagination. Then, a shift happened and somewhere along the line, we lost our ability to keep spaciousness – the condition that allows for creation and renewal to enter our lives.

But there are, in fact, ways to make more time for yourself. It is such a simple thing that most cannot figure it out and have to find guides. All of them lead us back to the same place: sit, breathe, let go.