
Photo by Jan Baborák / Unsplash

The temperatures are in the 40's and we are accepting the chill of the physical conditions because the warmth of the spirit of generosity is providing a kind of balance.  

10,000 masks have been offered and we accepted.  These days, we are not only spreading JOY, we are accepting the generosity of friends and allies who we meet along the way.  Our offers of these expressions of kindness will take us from Berkeley to Santa Cruz to Santa Barbara today.  Then, we will expand upon the energy of giving by sharing with folks in southern California and at the border.

In addition to the masks, we have received kitchenware, will pick up books, household items, shelving, paper (a lot of paper) and pens for the children at Alacrán in Tijuana.  We also are looking for ways to build a fund for the next project at the sanctuary - the health clinic and retaining walls (which became necessary because of the flood damage to the kids' playing field when the last rains came).

Truly, it never ends.

Anyone looking for the answer, whether you call it a solution, an answer, a remedy - one can see that all of this is part of the ever-growing realization of our deep and inextricable interconnectedness to one another on this planet.  

We are a bit like ants - working, working, working to move things to what we hope will be a more secure and safe place to exist.  But ant hills inevitably fall apart.  And, removal strategies whether cinnamon, peppermint, ant traps made of sweet chemicals, or extermination sprays are plenty to just take care of the visible problem. Some individuals have more resources than others and can make a different kind of impact.  But things still seem to keep falling apart.

The fundamental problem remains - no matter how much brilliance, research, money, policy-change, people will always be faced with the fact of struggle.  

The bit that presents itself to the project GoCompassion today is in what we encounter at home in southern California, at the border of California, and all along the north/south stretch of the state.  what we see in California  is ehat we see in manyother places across the continent.

Human existence:  struggle.  

A great human response:  generosity.

And what is compassion anyway?  answer here: