
Artwork by Tu-2

The sky here is partly cloudy and the temperature is definitely cooling as a new season enters.  It is 57 degrees fahrenheit.  Today is Thursday.

Today the news is reflecting exactly how many of us live:  in complete confusion and disruption.  This is our current circumstance and it is reflected in everything around us - the wealth inequality, the degradation of the planet's natural beauty and richness, the political upheaval.  It is as if we cannot live without the chaos and yet, so many of our old teachers have tried to convey that the essence of life and the way to clarity is to get things into order.

We are taught as children to clean up our mess - make your bed, pick up the toys, put the dirties into the laundry basket.  And as adults, what do we do?  We forego making up the bed, we leave junk out (at work and at home!), we drop things here and there, willy-nilly.  And if one has resources - we hire someone else to clean up our spaces!  It's truly ridiculous when one thinks about it.  We devolve into beings that forget to take care of our basic existence because we are "too busy.".

And what are we busy with?  Mostly making money.  There is no time to take care of our everyday existence, because jobs and meetings and appointments take up so much of our time.  What does this look like when we stop to consider how we are living?  The choices we make to engage in the most mundane, yet essential aspects of staying healthy and energetic, get forgotten.  Actually, the fact that we have choices is quite a burden.  What might happen if there was such clarity in life that there would be complete alignment with how we behave each moment, not thinking about what to do next, just doing what obviously needs attention?

In watching what is happening in the world, there is nothing but a big waste of energy.  The current political crisis at the national level is being discussed as a historic failure of governance;  and very few are focused on the incredible hardship and misery that will hit society because power grabs are at play.  Everyone is talking about "choices" that have to be made - and this is the door to more confusion.  Every choice takes time, energy, thought, and all of it reflects disorder in our collective life.

When things are clear, there is nothing to choose because the choice is made by the conditions that exist.  There is no need to engage in debate, strategy, or plans to do the right thing.  As a society, we are young in this country - but not so young that we cannot understand where our actions should be directed.  The care for the growing poverty class, the attention to our environment, the prioritizing of giving access to healthcare and education – these should not be the subject of debate.  Yet, here we are.

Start at a modest level in getting life in order.  Make the bed, clean up your own messy space (both physical and on those calendars), and begin to feel the energy come back, clarity to emerge, and stop the confusion.