
Artwork by Tu-2

Today is beautiful and clear (rains are coming). The temperature is 50 degrees fahrenheit. Today is Wednesday.

Sometimes there are no words. At least, none in the English language. This is when there is a need to express what is in the heart/mind or when we move into the space of feel/think. For some reason, it has become more clear that this is a society that separates our hearts and minds; makes us choose whether to think or feel. There is no vocabulary for the very human capacity for integration of both, at the same time. Just realized this.

We have the mind that is about reason and rationale and logic. We have the heart that is about emotions, feelings, and intuitive senses. We don't have words for the very real and common condition that all human beings know without knowing: the body, mind, and spirit are one. And there is always a heart/mind or feel/think condition that we live with in our daily existence.

Recently, this new generation has reconnected with the fact of integration through practices like yoga, meditaiton, qui gong, and tai chi - to name some of the ways in which the oneness of our vessels can be attended to in unity. The knowledge has never been hidden. It has always been there to be taken up but as it is often said, "The teacher appears when the student is ready." There have been many teachers, both in human and other forms, but the ones who needed to learn were simply not ready. Sometimes it was just that life required all of one's attention and engagement in time and space. Other times, the desire to learn had to be set aside for other priorities.

As one observer of the human condition has put it, "Innovation has been focused on external changes and technology, bringing more convenience and ease into modern living. But the fact is that human beings have not changed much over time. Who is doing the work that attends to inner innovation?"

A good question.

Since we have not yet achieved the ability to convey our intentions and messages without words. It seems that everything in this society has to be said in order for another to understand. There are no common understandings, or common recognition of things that are being said without words - whether in the form of a glance, a slight gesture, even silence and no movement at all. We cannot "read" people and situations very well in this society. Other societies - especially very old ones, have long ago mastered the ability to know and accept that certain things are happening, or will happen - when they are supposed to happen. Sometimes, it is in timing - the timing may be right in a week, a month, a year, a century. We too often can't wait.

Many other societies operate very well, wordless. Can we recognize each other and intentions, without using words for now?