
Sage Choi Chang at age 8 or 9

Today, the morning was wet again.  Nice to have a gentle rain as the heavens continue to bring waters that clear the air, nourish the plantings, and replenish water supplies.  At some point, the heavenly spigot will turn off and we will face a period of dryness that will be a reminder that this region tends toward drought conditions.  

The energy is not still.  It is Monday and the week is opening to new engagements. There are promises to keep, invitations to accept.  Each holds the possibility of making these times less heavy, more manageable for self and others.  There is always so much for an individual to manage in life.  Collectively, there has been much to hold in communities where the confluence of place, timing, individual, and group life activity have brought both tragedy and celebrations.  This is the mix that exists in this moment of transformation into whatever our common story will be, both locally and across the world.  

What is forming in terms of humanity?  Is something happening today that is unique in the larger story of humanity's evolution?  These questions are not raised every day.  Instead, they come along in connection with disasters both of nature and human-making.  The immediate response is shock, then anger and grief. Actions typically follow in rapid succession to manage the energy outflow that always accompanies crisis management.  The reflection needed to seriously inquire of ourselves and our conditions is usually short-lived.   We get busy with tending to the immediate and forget that there is a much bigger question that looms.

In conversations with people during the past week of intense events, the words that have been shared in spaces where reflection took place: confusion, truth, accountability, recognition, sadness/grief, healing, hope, patience.  Theses are the words that have been contributed to the process of individual reflections in shared moments.  And how do such words transform into a new reality that makes for more truth, less sadness and grief, more healing and hope?

From the sharing of such words come intentions.  The intention could be to learn something new that is accessible through reaching beyond one's own comfort.  The intention could be to change the path one travels, going from point A to B - just to see what else lies between the two places.  The intention could be to bring a different energy into a day's activities - maybe make a conscious decision to offer a smile, along with the other things that are part of an encounter with another person.  The intentions one brings into the world will affect what manifests beyond that encounter in ways that cannot be imagined.

The manifestations of today's many intentions are seen everywhere.  Sometimes one catches a glimpse of things in the midst of transforming.  The form might be awkward or unfamiliar in that moment - but consider this:  Everything is always in process, everywhere.  What one chooses to add to the activities and energy in a day will help shape whatever may manifest, next.