
Artwork by Tu-2.

It is another clear, cool morning with the moon coming into her fullness - she can be seen as darkness transitions to light.  The temperature sits at 64 degrees fahrenheit.  Today is Tuesday.

The ruckus in the world makes many people move faster, breathe harder, and overheat their calendars with too many commitments.  It's an unconscious way to find balance in a very unbalanced time.  There is talk of war, reports of war, fear of war, even as we are already embroiled in a major fight for the survival of human and other species on the planet.

In times like this, it helps to remember that the way to survive and perhaps thrive, is to find the flow and exert less effort.  In this way, one gets to clarity, to the fact of oneness.  And this is where one can find how to be tranquil.  It doesn't mean to stop, it means to find the rhythm and to become one with it, not resist it.  It is to become at ease with the demands and the never-ending list of things that need to be done because, after all, that list really never ends.

If there is anything to be said about the way in which 21st century life has emerged, it is that we are in a constant state of exaggeration (and exasperation).  So it is easy to forget and to think it all takes too much energy and then to ignore the fact that there can never be too much caring, compassion, creativity. It is too easy to say, "Why bother?".

But maybe it takes little or no energy at all.  Maybe it is just what life is in today's context. Maybe this is where our collective karma has brought us and it's time to yield, to be fully present to what is happening, and to know that one small gesture could could make a huge difference.  Is it too much to accept the thought that one person and one gesture could make a difference?  We know from those who study the effect of small changes in time/space, that this is possible:  One small gesture could change the course of history.

In a state of tranquility, one is able to see things that cannot be seen with only effort and will.  In tranquility one can ride the wave of the universal energy that carries all of life and see so much.  There is no need to resist that which life has brought forth for your specific place, time, and ability.  This doesn't mean one simply goes limp to life.  No.  It means one fully accepts all that comes, knowing that sometimes things work - and others, not.  And it means  entry into a state that embraces the pain as well as the joy, without fear;  the emergence as well as the dissipation;  the knowing as well as not knowing what will happen, next.  Tranquil.