
The sun was out, no clouds and the temperature was 55 degrees fahrenheit. Today is Wednesday.
New possibilities for balancing the chaos of our times: babies about to enter the world and host the potential for better ways to live. There are new relationships that are celebrating unions and joyful gatherings with people we love/like/need to know better. We have to keep our eye on the things that affirm life as well as see with great clarity all that is destroying the things we may know and love.
Yes, god is change; and yes, nothing stays the same - except one thing: that is our capacity for love. It is easy to forget and to decide that the most essential thing is survival, but that is simply not the truth. What seems like naiveté is in fact, the very thing that will differentiate the one who surrenders to fear and cynicism and the one who keeps going, no matter what "the odds."
It is still something of a thrill to see the power of love, manifest. Whether the source of that love is from a place of great personal belief, an unknowable universal power, or the sound of a baby's laughter - the things that follow are miracles in themselves. It could be building a whole new community, or producing an inspiring work of art, or feeling the chills when something unexpected causes you to do something you would never normally do. The manifestations can be huge, subtle - and if you notice, these come down to a deep sense of caring, love.
Not sure why these thoughts are coming this day.
Every day is a fine day, say some who are in the know. But in the daily modern way of living - individual, virtual, unpredictable - it can be a challenge to recognize that things are "fine." In fact, it might even seem false.
Yet, if one sits quietly and lets go of the calculating, planning, strategizing - one can say that even in bad times - there is something to be found that will allow you to conclude, "Even this is fine because I am being invited to consider another part of myself in how I will face what is happening." This is called deepening your own awareness of self and the world.
Speaking with an elder beyond my years on the planet, I asked about what makes these days interesting for them. Mostly, they are stationary. The response, "I have learned that letting go helps. I have stopped judging everyone. And I just feel love for people, and from people. I even love that I can get up and have this conversation with you!"
Given that everything lately has seemed so bleak, it was thrilling to realize that destiny brought her to this place – a place where every day truly is a fine day. That is thrilling to know~