
Artwork by Tu-2

This morning the skies were partly cloudy and partly blue - the sun will shine today.  It is cool here at 57 degrees fahrenheit.  This is the northern part of the state and typically cooler than the southland.  Today is Friday.

There are so many people who are seeking a way to be alright in today's world. Even with the awareness of how media portrayals are half-truths about our collective condition, it is so easy to fall into despair.  Thankfully, there are seekers who spend much of their life energy  - finding one another.  Whether they ever meet, in fact, is beside the point.  They meet in the realm of spirit and soul.

Some are in spaces of direct service, others in places where actions need to be taken up for a greater good to emerge, still others will work in very individual ways (as in writing, singing, dancing).  The collective energy is to balance and lean into affirming all the reasons why joy and faith need to be a part of what life has to offer.  There are plenty of stories that make it possible for those who are seeking, to find something and share.  It is like suddenly coming upon a small treasure while taking a quiet walk - something tiny, shining, and bright catches the eye.  When you get closer, it's a small gift from the universe!  Maybe someone else would call it a rock, or a piece of broken glass that has been worn down, or part of a broken hair clip.  But for a moment - a treasure.

Something about human beings that is like this:  We seek on so many fronts.  

We seek to have knowledge, we seek to have community and belonging, we seek to find the exact right object that will make our lives complete.  It is just a part of being human in today's world.  Of course, there are those who seek safety from violence and a release from the burdens of poverty - they too are seeking.

When and how do we seek to be free from the conditioning that tells us what should make us happy, healthy, whole?  When and how do we seek to find the unique gift possessed by all human beings?  That gift being the capacity to care for one another, to recognize a need to be met without anyone asking,  to go first to compassion before criticism or critique?

One teaching reminds us that the Buddha did not see himself as a teacher.  He saw himself as a doctor.  There were people who needed strong medicine, and they were suffering because of disease.  Dis-ease.  And the Buddha knew exactly what medicine to offer - it didn't require an insurance card, membership in any association or organization, or any special training.  He advised, "meditate" and that can be sitting, walking, cleaning, planting, but in all ways, to be fully present to the moment.

The end will come, no matter what.  And in the time we are given, at some point, hopefully one recognizes what is "enough" in all material respects.  While for some, there may be real struggle due to material needs, it is important to realize these are the teachers waiting for those who are training themselves to be real human beings.  Material needs can be met.  Each one of us already knows what to do. Seeking is what leads to the door, that leads to the answer. Meditation is how to unlock the door.