

The clouds are back and the temperature is cool at 55 degrees fahrenheit. No movement. Today is Monday.

At the start of a new cycle, the end of the first full moon of the lunar new year, and the close of the first quarter of the calendar year - we begin anew. The energy that rises comes from having taken time away from routines that can easily become ruts. And then, returning to a familiar space, with a different point of view - makes everything feel fresh again.

Taking a walk in the woods is a nice way to re-set. The smells, the way the individual trees meet one another, and the tree with trunks that move into one another are teachings in themselves. If there's a breeze, you might hear something whisper into your ear about breath, and maybe you will note that you need to breathe more deeply now and then.

Maybe woods aren't around? Then taking a walk wherever you are works just as well. Someday, even taking a walk may not be possible so might as well do it while we can. During that time with yourself it is possible to let go of things for a minute: the stresses, the worry, and the confusion. It is in itself an invitation to attend to what is happening in the moment, to allow your mind to release, and to observe things that are easily missed if you are simply driving by. You may notice a structure that you passed all the time, but never really saw as an interesting spot before. Walking slows everything down.

The chance to re-set happens everyday; but some days - like Mondays - remind you that there are particular moments when the energy is ever so slightly and subtly, different. There is something special about being at a place in time when one can feel that sense of starting again. It comes when we re-set ourselves in every way - our bodies, our hearts, our minds.

Can you feel the slight changes that have come into the moment? Do you notice a difference in attitude about what needs to be done and the energy it will take? Is there a sense of possibility at the start of the week that didn't exist at the end? There are so many ways to tap into the energy coming from having allowed yourself to re-set.

And what does that word really mean? For everyone it is a little different. Maybe for some it is to rest and regain ground, or for others to recharge/reboot, for still others it could be the beginning of a transformation. Resting is part of it; and re-setting is another, taking up the stance for going forward and doing whatever life is calling you to do.

The week is starting and having capacity for so much to give and receive – that's living well.