
Image by AO

The morning is still on its way - darkness and quiet among the trees. It is 48 degrees fahrenheit. Today is Wednesday.

The sound of a cat's purr can be so sweet. The one that sits next to me, sleeps on top of me, cuddles on my lap as I am trying to write - she's shamelessly affectionate. Sweet purring the entire time.

It has been another week of energy intensity with humans. The news cycles aside, there have been gatherings organized in the service of healing that have both raised sensitive and hurtful pasts and struggles in the present. It is yet another time when the truth of the spiral experience in life has been affirmed. In other words, we don't seem to move across time and increase our understanding about what this story of life has to offer. No. Instead we need to imagine a spiral that gets tighter and tighter and there is a point at which the movement will end at "zero" - true Center. Then what?

The purr of the cat reminds me that there is life that just moves from feeding, napping, playing, and simply expressing affection. What happens when there is no one around to share the curiosity, and the play? This one would surely be unhappy without the companionship that comes from another being, just being.

It is easy to see why our four-legged relatives are sometimes at the heart of a healing process. They don't have the language of words, but they have the language of pure emotion - and if they hang around the home, the have the language of affection, gratitude, and simply being. We humans can (and often do) benefit from just their existence.

As the day opens, the possibilities of where things will go next open too. The next thing might be much like the things that we have seen up to this moment; and, there is in this present moment, the possibility of entirely new and unexpected events - as we have seen in the past two months. It is odd that there is so much that we know, have access to in terms of history, data, trends - and yet, we cannot seem to get to a place of safety and caring for one another. It is a tragedy.

No matter how clear the knowledge and information we have at our disposal - things keep moving in directions that suggest we are ignoring it all. And as each one of us tries to engage in the aspects of life that will allow our full humanity to manifest, the examples of what can go sideways keep coming up.

The cat knows better than us. The secret is in the purr. It tells the story of satisfaction, of acceptance, of knowing that the most important thing is to be held, to be seen, to be cared for as yet another precious life.