
Artwork by tu-2

The moon has been good to the skies this week and we have been able to see her without obstruction. The temperature is 68 degrees fahrenheit. Today is Wednesday.

The lotus seed has an interesting story about being the genitals of Zeus and then giving birth to Aphrodite. The Greeks had imagination and great storytelling chops. The idea that out of that which is cast aside giving way to the greatest power of all - love - is inspired.

And the Buddhists recognize the lotus, that grows out of muck, to be the symbol of purity and potential to grow into enlightenment. It is a flower that is beautiful and complex, and is inspiration in its very being.

Then there are us humans. We are so full of potential and so ready to give birth to a new reality because the current conditions we face have gotten to the point of crisis for all life on this planet. They say that we are 90 seconds to midnight on the clock that measures the end of life for all of Us. That is the closest we have ever been to the end of life as we know it. And no one in "leadership" seems to be in a position to exercise the power and desire to turn back the hands of disaster.

Maybe it is all the muck we have created that has made it difficult to sort out what we need to be doing with our time and energy. These days, there are lots of conversations about the end of life among people who are meeting up just to have some time together - and the conversations are about how the end will be handled, and what will be done with what is left of us, and whether we will be able to do something before we expire to help save life on earth. There is talk about using mind-altering substances to help us break through the muck of news cycles, and analyses aout what makes a good leader, and stories that have to be reconstructed because apparently, we have forgotten our origin stories and feel a strong desire to get those retrieved and surfaced before it is too late.

Maybe the muck is a good thing.

Maybe we can look to the lotus flower as our hope for survival. The human movements are good - Wake up! - is a good call, but it translates into terms that are limiting - race, religion, political affiliations – all things that have actually had the effect of dividing rather than uniting us. It is like we are in a cycle where we cannot help ourselves. We just keep wanting to go into tribes that give us comfort, without opening the possibilities.

It's hard to know what to do these days with so much muck. Then, it comes to mind that muck might be really important - to create the conditions from which unimaginable (or imaginable) beauty might arise – kind of like the lotus flower. A sign of beautiful possibilities.