
The day began dark, grey and rains feel as though they will come. The temperature sits at 52 degrees fahrenheit. Today is Thursday.
The heart is constantly beating.
The world continues to be in disarray.
The words that used to bring people together, are slowly but surely disintegrating.
The effect: movement/transition.
In movement, there is the fact of things being in transition. The transition is sometimes welcome and predictable; and sometimes a complete surprise. We are living in a time when the fact of transition and movement is becoming more intense and rapid. It's been said before: we seem to be spinning into oblivion. But is this actually what is happening?
Certainly the heart will one day stop beating.
It may be possible that the world will move from disarray to calm.
Someday, people may develop capacity to listen deeply, and understand without words. The language will be of the heart.
The effect: transition.
How can we know whether the movement will lead to transition into greater realizations about why we are here and what we are to do with the life we have been given? This is a question that is held by many; and the way to a response is in the many, many circles that continue to appear in life - both literally and figuratively.
We are living into an opportunity that holds great possibilities for the heart to break open, not break down. The phenomenon happens when a newborn enters the world, when the dead of winter begins to give way to spring and the first buds appear holding a promise of beauty, when there is deep silence and the beating of one's heart is the only thing that can be heard/felt/experienced.
This small image appeared in the search for inspiration this morning and something about the gentleness, the grin, the gathering of the heart provided the opening for today's writing. There are so many openings like this in our daily lives. And it actually moved the heart into a place away from despair about the conditions of the world, to a place closer to caring and courage to make a positive contribution somewhere, somehow. Eventually, one can care enough to move and that movement could literally be a choice that could change the course of another's life.
It can happen. It probably happens all the time and we don't realize it - we change the course of lives - our own and that of others. Movement is like change. It is going to happen, no matter what. There is no outcome; there is only transition from one moment to the next, with all things simultaneously being altered. It is a fact of being alive and a fact that will continue on well past life.