

Today is overcast with the sudden cooling of temps back into the 50's, leaving behind the triple digits of last week. It's 56 degrees fahrenheit and today is Wednesday

There are things that get launched in life - like rockets, and slings, and people. Today, the idea of things getting moved into a new trajectory happened to be present as the day began.

Sitting in a familiar, beautiful place that was created by a woman whose talent as a builder was recognized by governments, universities, and wealthy private citizens, it feels like sitting in another time. This is the reality: the present is truly connected to the past and how the present is understood and held, will affect how the next generation or generations of visitors will experience the energy here. I sort of get it.

Human perception tends to be material, self-centered, and blind to the interconnectedness of all things. These days, people seem to be experiencing all of these tendencies and it truly feels like we are in a collective launch into another opportunity to realize how suffering can be held in abeyance, how everything is interconnected, and how utterly useless is the reliance on only our five senses. So much is happening beyond our capacity to experience LIFE. This limitation creates the kind of suffering we see in our world today, without any sense of why, how, and what got us here.

The fact of the weather shifts is universal and affects all life on the planet. Human beings are in a position to do something to reverse what seems to be a trajectory into hell. But so far, no go.

The fact of cruel politics and resulting escalation of violence is exemplified in dozens of hot spots on the planet. Human beings are in a position to take what many write-off as "complicated" and "complex" (there being a difference in where the ego sits). Yet, the reality is simple. Stop the killing, learn to listen, feed hungry children, care for vulnerable elders and infirm. Not complicated, actions to achieve this are available - again, things are stuck - ego.

The fact of materialism having limitations that require those with too much, to feel secure to share is exemplified in the over-attending to personal finance and strategy in how best to build a retirement fund. People are in a position to create networks that will be far more useful that '1's and and '0's in a bank account or stock funds. Yet, we are never taught or encouraged to build and value and nurture relations beyond the nuclear, biologic family – and of course, that entity is dying because few are having children it seems. Countries are worried about losing their identity due to low birth rates. Ego.

A few are trying to pioneer another way. It is an invitation into the unknown.

When things launch, there might be a plan, but that plan could end you up anywhere. And for some, it's frightening, for others an unimaginable adventure into the light.