How to Live

How to Live
Artowrk by Tu-2

The day is clear and the temperature is at 40 degrees fahrenheit. Today is Saturday and there is stillness in the air.

As the quiet of the day opens, the birdsong begins and the light comes up - the feeling of hope almost always accompanies the day. Of course, there are times when the start of another cycle creates something different, but on this day, the feeling is one of possibilities. Those possibilities arise out of a quality of living that persists in believing that humanity has something to offer as predictions of chaos dominate the news.

There are enough events in life that take us down the path of cynicism and pessimism about how people live. Some are built to carry those qualities, and may even be smarter for having anticipated the worst. But it is hard to imagine living that way - even if it is a more "realistic." way to proceed.

There is a book that asks the question, "How do. you live?" and it is a story about a young boy whose uncle has stepped in as a surrogate for the boy's father who has passed away. So many questions about how to manage events in life that are essentially choices that have to be made about how to live into your values as a friend, a son, and a student of life. The story is one that was written before WWII and has had many translations from its original Japanese to English. It is moving on many levels because of its quality of expressing care and compassion without judgment or conditions. Sometimes we forget how powerful sharing can be. The book illustrates the skill of the uncle in providing guidance through questioning that expands the lens of the nephew who is confronted with dilemmas he faces in growing into his own identity.

At this moment, time is shifting toward longer days, with the winter solstice having passed just a week ago. The longest night is giving way to longer days. The leadership of the country is shifting to a theme of high intensity worldwide competition for regaining dominance on the global stage. The movements of our times are calling for every group that has been created around an identity to seek visibility, respect, inclusion, and protection from marginalization. In this context, how does one live?

Find that bit of talent that is yours. Work in the service of something beyond yourself - but is a part of yourself. Allow the missteps to be part of your growth and deepening into the thing that is uniquely you. Bring along the capacity to be with others, even if you believe yourself to be an introvert who would much rather be left alone. Carry the spirit of curiosity and willingness to be open to the experience of vulnerability. It is all a part of living.

Some talk about "living fully" and the idea is that if you miss doing this, you will die with regret.

How do you live?