Getting Better

Getting Better

May has become June and the gloom continues at the coast. The temperature is 58 degrees fahrenheit. Today is Tuesday.

Thank goodness there is a way for things to get better when things are not great. The idea of resilience and the experience of it are two very different things. It is so easy to talk about the phenomenon and much more challenging to manifest resilience. And it is even more of a challenge to show people the way.

Why? Because no one wants to experience the thing that must precede resilience. It cannot be tested or realized without a set back, small or big. There has to be something - an event, a situation, a bodily condition - something has to go wrong beforehand. Then, one can begin to know what it means to get better, to experience a kind of resilience for living.

The world is in a mess (not news), and a lot of people would say that the mess is something that cannot be helped because of humanity's insistence on keeping its collective head in the sand. So the result is exactly what we have - disastrous relations across the globe, the loss of precious species on the planet, and the threat of the collective health of all life because mother earth can only do so much. The mentality of the majority of people is to continue to ignore what is right in front of us and we will pay a price unless we can find a way back to reality, and leave behind delusions.

In the face of such conditions, as people who may not be able to discover breakthroughs in science, the exact way to convey a desire for peace over violence, or find a marketing message that will actually penetrate all the walls created by divisions among human beings - each has to do and be the thing that the world needs. So this could mean deep study of the sciences that might open a new door to heal. Or, it could mean creating beautiful music and images to lift the spirit. In the end, it is about finding beauty and resolve. One doesn't always match the other, but in these times - we need to find that combination in all that we do and all that we are.

It has been a journey - this life.

And every generation believes they have confronted the most extreme that a world might produce - for good and no so good. But in this moment, it seems the thing that is different is that we really need to find a way to get better at being who we were meant to be – each one of us. And that is a task that can only be achieved if our consciousness begins to shift toward one another, so we find that the reality is that we are really One, and that all of life as we know it is meant to give us this chance. Hopefully more of us take the chance.