
Artwork by Tu-2. 

The wisps of cloud over the water make one feel like there is a chance for clouds to reappear.  The forecasts say no more rain but nature is hinting at something different.  More an more, it is an exercise in checking what is actually right here. It is 47 degrees, fahrenheit and today is the start of another cycle.  It is Monday.

This word farsighted came out of a bowl kept near the door.  Now and again, a card will be pulled from the bowl just for fun.  There are probably a hundred cards. Here, the commentary suggests that everything done now has consequences far into the future and in order to master the things that happen in life, one needs to develop an ability to be farsighted.

"See things that are close, as very small and see things that are small as very big."  This is a lesson once shared by an old teacher.  

Having sight is important.  It also seems that it is not just the eyes that see things. It is important to recognize the deep interconnections of all that leads to what is revealed. There is no escaping it.  

If one has the ability to put things into perspective as well as appreciate that everything happening now will also be connected to later, choices might change. Now and later exist together, without exception.  So what does this mean for living fully, moment by moment, being aware of all that life has to offer?  

Being farsighted doesn't necessarily go along with having the power to control what may or may not arise.  It only means, that one can see beyond the horizon that most others cannot see.  Since the wise person will recognize there are a myriad of things that can arise and the seer has little or no control over those other things.  Having the capacity to see far doesn't necessarily mean that kind of talent will allow for better outcomes.  It just means one can see the flow.  The heavens, the will of many others, and karma of innumerable beings will determine the outcomes.  Seeing far is not necessarily a gift.

Today, as an example - just think about those who are certain about what will happen in a few decades thanks to climate change.  There was a moment when the dire end could be avoided if only people and policies would shift.  But that moment has passed according to many.  So what does this mean a wise and virtuous step might be when living in these times?  It is a question that people are answering in many different ways.  Being farsighted is too often believed to be a capacity that might help humanity avoid demise of the world.  Futurists and future studies have multiplied.  But those who have this capacity don't seem to be heard by those who control how people and politics operate.  

Then there is the question about what to do if one has the capacity to see what is near, as being far away.