
Image by Tu-2

It's a day that will bring sun, closer to sunset. The temperature at 64 degrees fahrenheit feels cooler than the number indicates, with a slight breeze in the air. Today is Monday.

The image sent for inspiration somehow serves as a reminder of how we make entry into new spaces of awareness. It has to start with a way to quiet all the demands that keep entering our lives – things that have to be done at a specific time, a promise to be at a particular location, a delivery of a piece of work that was meant to match the timing and need of another. Then, there are the kinds of entrances that are not at all about conventional time/space reference points.

Those are the entrances that are most intriguing.

They are the portals to different universes that are operating as we move through the one we know. The entrance into the other universes requires suspension of belief, knowledge, and old narratives that could present barriers to traveling in a different way. That there might be a way to hold what is real in daily life, and at the same time allow for an encounter that may be entirely inexplicable is a way of living that we all may need to discover to survive. The reason is because there is so much that is hard to understand and explain in our world today - the old narratives are not helping to bring more clarity. It is like falling into the deepest despair and being unable to find the path out. This is when the discovery of another dimension is most likely to happen.

Whatever that other dimension might be - cannot be explained here. But what can be explained is how one might reach that place. It won't come through a book, or a workshop, or another person who you might believe to have "more" of something that could open your door. It has to come from within and in order for it to be revealed, you have to let go of all the ways in which the mind will try to lead you back to what you know. This is dangerous. Why? Because what you know is a memory of what used to be - the past. This means you are falling back into a trap that will again, prevent you from much needed exploration.

If you are interested in entering a new realm, the first thing is to find the quiet. Then to let go - of all you thought was true and all you believe is right and all you know about the world as it is. What does that mean? It means allowing yourself the luxury not to try so hard; and instead, give yourself some space and grace. The entrances are myriad - as many as there are individuals walking the face of the planet at any given moment. The mystery of tapping into the entrances belongs to each person, in their own understanding of their lineage, inheritances, and essence. In reality, all of us are on our own.