
Image by Angela Oh

The rains have paused for a moment. The sky is grey. The temperature is 54 degrees fahrenheit. Today is Friday.

Things fall apart. That is a truth that is hard for people to accept. Anything that exists as a thing, will one day decay. This is a truth that is evident to each person, every day – look at your own body, your own garden, your own shelter. This fact is all around us, yet too often we cannot see it. We refuse.

Instead, there is a constant chasing after comfort, happiness - very low level goals in life, indeed. This is not a judgment, it is simply what is commonly observed among human beings. Ways to maintain the freshness and best condition of the vessels we occupy are plentiful - exercise, diet, sleep are among the most effective ways to stay in good shape, physically. And of course, there is the fact of genetics and its role in making a life shorter or longer. But is the length of time where it counts in life?

Life is full of contradictions and uncertainties, so the interesting aspect of living is to notice how one navigates these conditions. It is easier to focus is on physical maintenance and condition. Taking care of the object is easier and more accessible than taking care of spirit and soul.

There are a multitude of offerings that promise to keep the body in shape, whether through a physical conditioning, a vitamin regimen, or special procedures that will change the sagging chin, fix the drooping eyelids, or treatments fo hair that goes grey/white. The vessel is easy to work on over time; the spirit, much harder.

What is the way to attend to the condition of one's interior? The spirit is eternal, seemingly ephemeral, and truly the essence of being. No one knows if attending to spirit can impact one's appreciation for living this life, except the self. Since it is so easy to stay in the realm of our five senses, that is what we do. We stay with appearances.

Virtually every spiritual teaching tells us that once beautiful objects eventually break down. All things must pass. Our bodies are no different.

Why not make it a priority to attend to the spirit of existence? The opportunities to develop this are plentiful - and mostly do not cost thousands of dollars over a lifetime. The way to prepare for the fullness of life is often available at no or low cost. First, it takes awareness of the fact of impermanence. Then, it takes time to find a place where the center of attention is not on the exterior being, but on the interior being. It requires both discipline and determination to uncover what is really there - and then, bravery to face the fact that all things, including each of us - will pass.

Is it a good thing to have a long life? For some, yes. Quantity seems to matter to many - no matter the condition of a component thing.

Decay should be a truth to be cherished, a guidepost for living, and a way to enter a path for a meaningful and rich life.