
Artwork by Tu-2

The rains have left this region. The skies are blue and the temperature is 49 degrees fahrenheit. Today is Monday.

The war energy has expanded in the last 24 hours. It is an expression of the view that one hit deserves another, or maybe even two more hits back. This is the leadership model that has emerged as the world is, in fact, getting smaller and more interconnected than ever. Someone didn't hear the wisdom of an eye for an eye leaving everyone blind.

The idea that we cannot (or perhaps will not) find a way to rethink our relations seems very real. Despite unprecedented advances in ways to grow our capacity for greater understanding, bridging barriers of division by language and culture, having access to technology to support deeper connection - we are using these advances to undermine ourselves. Understanding is turning into intelligence gathering for conflict. Barriers of language and culture are being set up as reasons to distrust and raise suspicion and fear of the people we have never met. Technology is being used to create more precise weapons to reduce the number of innocent lives lost in actual combat - and it is alright that a few lives of innocents are sacrificed. This is where things seem to be in our world today.

People can't help being faced with this as our reality and many wish for a way to turn the tide away from the violence and destruction. First, there has to be a source of inspiration that takes the emotion and knowledge into the realm of actions to balance the devaluation of life.

The inspiration comes from loved ones - especially babies and the children who still have the power to bring the energy of innocence and joy directly to the adults who supposedly "know more" about how human existence. The inspiration comes also from the natural world - the forests, the seas, the mountains that speak to our remaining abilities to receive messages that affirm life and offer comfort in times of sadness and confusion. So many people are walking these days - instinctively knowing that the walk is the connecting point to these sources of support. And there is more inspiration that comes from people who are well aware of the tragedies, yet keep steady in being in service, providing love and safety for those in need, and creatively holding space for others who need to know that there is a place to compost the anxiety that comes with all that is happening in these times.

It is all coming together in one big picture that includes efforts to balance, to see through the layers of interests, and to contemplate our own part in the picture. We are all in a place of contemplation about now. It's confusing and yet not surprising. It's scary and at the same time full of potential. And it's time to let go of any hesitation about what to do – there are plenty of options if you think about it.